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Customize the Mobile Menu

< 1 min read

| Location : Appearance Customize Header Menu Mobile Menu

The Zakra enables you to have a separate Mobile Menu in place of your default menu. It comes with the following options:

BreakPoint #

You can set the Breakpoint of the hamburger menu for mobile devices. For more information, you can check the guidelines here: Change the Mobile Menu Breakpoint Width. [Available in Zakra Pro]

Toggle Menu Styles #

Zakra allows you to change the style of the Toggle Button for the Mobile Menu. It comes with the following two styles. [Available in Zakra Pro]

Style 1- The menu items are displayed in the left area and only cover the Left part of the screen.

Style 2- It covers the screen completely, and the mobile menu items are displayed in the Center area.

Menu Label #

The option allows you to add text that will appear near the Hamburger icon. [Available in Zakra Pro]

Position #

It allows you to set the Menu Text to appear on the Left/Right of the hamburger menu. [Available in Zakra Pro]

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