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Manage Excerpt Text and Length

1 min read

Location: Appearance → Customize → Content → Blog → Excerpt

An excerpt refers to a summary of a post or article. The Excerpt is generated automatically by taking the first few lines of the Content. However, you can also manually create or customize the Excerpt for each post.

Sometimes on the blog page, you might prefer to show the full Content instead of the excerpt text or vice versa. Zakra allows displaying either the Full Text or the excerpt text. 

Excerpt #

It displays the Excerpt (summary) of the posts. Upon choosing the option, you can set the Length and add additional Text to the Excerpt.

Length #

By default, Zakra limits excerpts’ Length to 15 words. You can increase or decrease the excerpt length on your preference. [Available in Zakra Pro]

More Text #

Zakra theme allows you to add a specific text after the Excerpt. Generally, the Excerpt displays the first few words from your post content. However, the theme will enable you to add extra Content after the default excerpt text on the blog page. [Available in Zakra Pro]

Under Content, you can add the Text required on the box. In the example below, we have added the “Hello Zakra” text, which is now displayed after the default excerpt text on each post.

Full Content #

It displays the full content of the post.

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