| Location : Appearance→ Customize → Header → Menu → Mobile Menu
Zakra Pro Add-On has additional options for customizing the Mobile Menu items and sub-items. These options are listed as follows:
Item #
Under Items, you can find various option to customize the mobile menu items. They are listed below:
Close Icon – Choose the Close Icon appears at the top of the mobile menu.
Close Icon Color – Select the color of the Close Icon.
Color – Choose the appropriate menu items Color for the mobile device. Moreover you can choose the color for normal, hover and active state.
Background – Select the background color for the menu items.
Typography – It allows you to control the menu items Typography, such as Font Family, Weight, Font size, Line height, and other related styling properties.
Border Width – It determines the size of the border.
Border Style – It lets you choose between Solid, Dotted, and Dashed Style for the borders.
Border Color – It allows you to change the Color of the border.
Sub Menu #
Under Items, you can find various option to customize the mobile sub-menu items. They are listed below:
Max-Height – It determines the height of the sub-menu items.
Color – Choose the appropriate sub-menu items Color for the mobile device. Moreover you can choose the color for normal, hover and active state.
Typography – It allows you to control the sub-menu items Typography, such as Font Family, Weight, Font size, Line height, and other related styling properties.
Open Icon – Select the icon for the button which opens up the Sub Menu.
Close Icon – Select the icon for the button that closes the Sub Menu.